Schedule Statuses

List of possible schedule statuses for a unit

CANCELLEDCompetition unit was scheduled and will not now take place
DELAYEDCompetition has not started and start is late (no new time as yet)
FINISHEDAll play is complete in the unit
GETTING_READYStart of competition is imminent, athletes usually on Field of Play (FOP)
INTERRUPTEDCompetition has started but is now stopped temporarily
POSTPONEDCompetition has stopped and will take place at a new time (to be determined)
RESCHEDULEDThe start (or re-start) of the competition has changed to a new time (new time is known)
RUNNINGCompetition in progress
SCHEDULEDUnit to be conducted
SCHEDULED_BREAKPlanned break in competition (e.g. end of period)
UNSCHEDULEDA unit not currently scheduled; a unit that may or may not be scheduled in future (e.g. swim-off, additional heats)

The normal sequence for a schedule status would be:

  • Scheduled
  • Getting Ready
  • Running
  • Finished