Phase Standing

The phase standing resource exposes the standing data for a single event phase. A unit can be identified as having a phase standing using the links section of a phase detail.

An example can be seen below.

    "code": "FBLWTEAM11------------GPA-",
    "description": "Women's Group A",
    "link": [
            "rel": "phase-standing",
            "href": ""

A standing example can be seen below.

  "code": "FBLWTEAM11------------GPA-",
  "description": "Women's Group A",
  "type": {
    "code": 3,
    "description": "Competition"
  "games": {
    "code": "OG2024",
    "description": "Olympic Games Paris 2024"
  "discipline": {
    "code": "FBL",
    "description": "Football"
  "event": {
    "code": "FBLWTEAM11------------",
    "description": "Women",
    "meta": {
      "teamEvent": true
  "gender": {
    "code": "W",
    "description": "Women"
  "standingStatus": {
    "code": "INTERMEDIATE",
    "description": "Intermediate"
  "totalUnits": "6",
  "completedUnits": "4",
  "lastUnit": {
    "code": "FBLWTEAM11------------GPA-000300--",
    "description": "Women's Group A",
    "unitType": {
      "code": "HTEAM",
      "description": "Teams Head to Head"
  "standing": [
      "rank": "1",
      "sortOrder": 1,
      "value": "3",
      "valueType": {
        "code": "POINTS",
        "description": "Goals"
      "won": 1,
      "lost": 1,
      "tied": 0,
      "played": 2,
      "pointsFor": 4,
      "pointsAgainst": 3,
      "meta": {
        "rankEqual": false
      "competitor": {
        "code": "FBLWTEAM11--COL01",
        "description": "Colombia",
        "type": "T",
        "organisation": {
          "code": "COL",
          "description": "Colombia"
      "rank": "2",
      "sortOrder": 2,
      "value": "3",
      "valueType": {
        "code": "POINTS",
        "description": "Goals"
      "won": 1,
      "lost": 1,
      "tied": 0,
      "played": 2,
      "pointsFor": 4,
      "pointsAgainst": 4,
      "meta": {
        "rankEqual": false
      "competitor": {
        "code": "FBLWTEAM11--FRA01",
        "description": "France",
        "type": "T",
        "organisation": {
          "code": "FRA",
          "description": "France"
      "rank": "3",
      "sortOrder": 3,
      "value": "0",
      "valueType": {
        "code": "POINTS",
        "description": "Goals"
      "won": 2,
      "lost": 0,
      "tied": 0,
      "played": 2,
      "pointsFor": 4,
      "pointsAgainst": 2,
      "meta": {
        "rankEqual": false
      "competitor": {
        "code": "FBLWTEAM11--CAN01",
        "description": "Canada",
        "type": "T",
        "organisation": {
          "code": "CAN",
          "description": "Canada"
      "rank": "4",
      "sortOrder": 4,
      "value": "0",
      "valueType": {
        "code": "POINTS",
        "description": "Goals"
      "won": 0,
      "lost": 2,
      "tied": 0,
      "played": 2,
      "pointsFor": 1,
      "pointsAgainst": 4,
      "meta": {
        "rankEqual": false
      "competitor": {
        "code": "FBLWTEAM11--NZL01",
        "description": "New Zealand",
        "type": "T",
        "organisation": {
          "code": "NZL",
          "description": "New Zealand"
  "link": [
      "rel": "self",
      "href": ""
      "rel": "phase",
      "href": ""
      "rel": "phase-last-unit",
      "href": ""

The root object for the Phase standing is a clone of the Phase object with the following additional values:

standingStatusStanding StatusStatus of the standing
totalUnitsInteger (Optional)Number of total matches / games expected in the phase
completedUnitsInteger (Optional)Number of matches / games completed in the phase
lastUnitUnit Detail (Optional)Stub of unit detail last played in this phase

The table below outlines the possible values exposed in the Phase standing array.

rankInteger (Optional)Rank of the Competitor
sortOrderIntegerUsed to sort all the results
startOrderInteger (Optional)Competitor's start order
startSortOrderIntegerUsed to sort all the competitors in a start list
diffExamples ('+0:57', '-2:23')(Optional)Display the time / value ahead or behind the leader. Negative indicates ahead of the leader, positive is behind
medalMedal Type String (Optional)Medal awarded
valueString (Optional)The result value of the competitor
valueTypeValue Types Object (Optional)The type of the value object eg: TIME or POINTS
invalidResultMarkInvalid Result Marks (Optional)The invalid result mark, eg: DNF (Did Not Finish), DSQ (Disqualified)
qualificationMarkQualification Marks (Optional)Indicates the qualification of the competitor for the next round of the competition
wonInteger (Optional)Indicates whether how many matches / games won by this competitor
lostInteger (Optional)Indicates whether how many matches / games lost by this competitor
tiedInteger (Optional)Indicates whether how many matches / games tied by this competitor
playedInteger (Optional)Indicates the current status of matches / games played
pointsForInteger (Optional)Indicates the current points of matches / games played won by this competitor
pointsAgainstInteger (Optional)Indicates the current points of matches / games played lost by this competitor
meta.uncheckedBooleanIndicates that the result needs to be validated
meta.rankEqualBooleanIdentifies if a rank has been equaled
competitorA Participant or Team stubThe competitor is a stub of the participant or team that the result applies to.