Horse Breed
List of Horse Breed
The following list is of horse breed(used in the horse endpoint)
Code | Description |
Id | ENG Description |
BH | Asso. Brasileira de Criadores do Cavalo de Hipismo |
BHHS | The British Hanoverian Horse Society (BHHS) |
BRAND | Pferdezuchtverband Brandenburg-Anhalt |
BSH | Bulgarian Sport Horse Association (BSHA) |
BWBS | Warmblood Breeders Studbook (WBS-UK) |
AA | Association Nationale Anglo-Arabe (ANAA) |
AAFE | Asociacion Argentina de Fomento Equino (AAFE) |
ACE | ACE Studbook - Aust. Continental Equestrian Gp Inc |
AECCA | Asoc Espa�ola Criadores de Caballos Anglo-�rabes |
AES | Anglo European Studbook (AES) |
AHHA | American Holsteiner Horse Association |
AHS | The American Hanovarian Society (AHS) |
ATA | American Trakehner Association (ATA) |
AWHA | Australian Warmblood Horse Association Ltd (AWHA) |
AWO | Arbeitsgemeinschaft f�r Warmblutzucht �sterreich |
AWR | American Warmblood & Nth American Sportpony Regist |
BAD-WU | Pferdezuchtverband Baden-W�rttemberg e.V. |
BAVAR | Landesverband Bayerischer Pferdez�chter e.V. |
BESIES | Elite Studbook for Irish & European Sporthorses |
BWP | Belgian Warmblood Studbook (BWP) |
CABSH | Croatian Association of Breeders of Sport Horses |
CCDM | "Criadores de Caballos Deportivos Mexicanos, A.C." |
CDE | Asoc. Nac. de Criadores Caballo de Deporte Espa�ol |
CH | Zuchtverband CH-Sportpferde Swiss Warmblood (ZVCH) |
CHS | Studbook Cheval Suisse (ChS) |
CSHA | Canadian Sport Horse Association (CSHA) |
CWHBA | Canadian Warmblood Horse Breeders Assoc. (CWHBA) |
CZEWB | Czech Warmblood Breeders Society (SCH?T) |
DWB | Danish Warmblood Society (DWB) |
EBHA | East Bulgarian Horse Association (EBHA) |
ESH | Estonian Sport Horse Breeders Society (ESHBS) |
FWB | The Finnish Horse Breeding Association (FWB) |
HANN | Hannoveraner Verband e.V. (HANN) |
HESS | Verband Hessischer Pferdez�chter e.V. |
HHSA | Hanoverian Horse Society of Australia (HHSA) |
HOLST | Verband der Z�chter des Holsteiner Pferdes e.V. |
HSH | Hungarian Sport Horse Studbook (MSLT) |
ISH | Irish Sport Horse Studbook (ISH) |
ISREG | Int. Sporthorse Reg. Oldenburg Reg. Nth America |
KFPS | Koninklijk Friesch Paarden-Stamboek (KFPS) |
KWPN | Royal Warmblood Studbook of the Netherlands (KWPN) |
KWPNNA | "KWPN of North America, Inc. (KWPN NA)" |
LHBA | Lithunaian Horse Breeders Association (LHBA) |
LUSIT | Assoc. Port. Criadores do Cavalo Puro Sangue Lus. |
LWB | Latvian Warmblood Studbook (LWB) |
MECKL | Breeding Assoc of Mecklenburg Western Pomerania |
MIPAAF | Italian Sport Horse Studbook (MIPAAF) |
NAS | North American Studbook (NAS) |
NDWB | Norwegian Danish Warmblood Society (NDWB) |
NL | Not Listed |
NRPS | Nederlands Rijpaarden en Pony Stamboek (NRPS) |
NWB | Norwegian Warmblood Association (NWB) |
NZHS | New Zealand Hanoverian Society (NZHS) |
NZWB | New Zealand Warmblood Association (NZWA) |
OLDBG | Verband der Z�chter des Oldenburger Pferdes e.V. |
OS | Springpferdezuchtverband Oldenburg-Int. e.V (OS) |
OTHER | Other |
PRE | National Purebred Spanish Breeders Assoc. (ANCCE) |
PSH | Portuguese Sport Horse Studbook (APCRS) |
PZHKM | Studbook for Polish Malopolska Horses (PZHK M) |
PZHKSP | Studbook for Polish Sport Horses (PZHK SP) |
PZHKW | Studbook for Polish Wielkopolska Horses(PZHK WLKP) |
RHEIN | Rheinisches Reitpferd im Hannoveraner Verband |
RHNAU | Australian Rhinlander in the Hanoverian Horse Soc. |
RHNGB | British Rhinelander in GBR Hanoverian Horse Soc. |
RHNNZ | New Zealand Rhinelander in the NZL Hanoverian Soc. |
RHNUS | American Rhinelander in American Hanoverian Soc. |
SA | Pferdezuchtverband Sachsen Anhalt e.V. |
SACHS | Pferdezuchtverband Sachsen e.V. |
SATHU | Pferdezuchtverband Sachsen-Th�ringen e.V |
SAWHS | South African Warmblood Horse Society (SAWHS) |
SBS | "Stud-book sBs, Le Cheval de Sport Belge (SBS)" |
SCSL | Stud-book du Cheval de Selle Luxembourgeois (SCSL) |
SF | Stud Book du Cheval Selle Fran�ais (SBSF) |
SHBGB | Sport Horse Breeding of Great Britain (SHBGB) |
SLS | Studbook La Silla (SLS) |
SSW | Studbook for Slovenian Warmblood Horses (SSW) |
SWB | Swedish Warmblood Association (SWB) |
TAF | Trakehner Avlsforbundet i Danmark (TAF) |
TB | International Studbook Committee of Thoroughbreds |
THU | Verband der Th�ringen Pferdez�chter |
TRAK | Verband der Z�chter und Freunde des Ostpr. e.V. |
UN | Unknown |
WESTF | Westf�lisches Pferdestammbuch e.V. (WESTF) |
WSI | Warmblood Studbook of Ireland (WSI) |
ZANG | Stud-book Zangersheide (ZANG) |
ZCHKS | The Slovak Warmblood Studbook (ZCHKS) |
ZfDP | Zuchtverband f�r Deutsche Pferde e.v. (ZfDP) |
ZWEIB | Pferdezuchtverband Rheinland-Pfalz-Saar e.V. |
BWB | Baltic Horse Breeders Association (BHBA) |
Updated 26 days ago