
Get going...


On setup, we'll provide you with the schedule and medal table embeds to navigate the widgets and help with your customisation. Everything you need to guide customisation can be found in the customisation pages of this documentation:

Schedule Widget

Medal Table

Our widgets allow for more than one embedded widget on any one page, so if you want to display both the schedule and medal table, with or without customisations, the widgets will react accordingly.



All of our Olympics widgets are responsive, with the graphics and text responding to resizing - though some elements are removed on resize to optimise data display.

Browser compatability

Both widgets have been successfully tested across the latest browser versions and devices including:

Browsers (as of April 2018)

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Edge

OS (as of April 2018)

  • Windows
  • MacOS
  • Android

Devices (as of April 2018)

  • Apple iPhone 7
  • Apple iPhone 6
  • Apple iPad (3rd and 4th generation/Air & Air 2)
  • Samsung Galaxy S8
  • Samsung Galaxy S7

We base our browser compatibility on universally available usage stats eg. https://www.w3schools.com/browsers/ and analytics from previous Games


Our favourite

Chrome is our preference for embeds and to get the best out of the widgets.


Internet Explorer

IE11 and earlier versions of Internet Explorer are not supported.


Before your widget is provided, we require details of your domain in order to whitelist for widget access. Every individual widget build uses a unique access token that is generated upon whitelisting.

This means that the widget cannot be used by any other site unless authorised. It's on lockdown!


We use Google Analytics tagging to analyse widget users:

  • When they visit
  • How they find the widgets
  • Where users are located
  • What devices are being used

Following the end of the Games, we can provide a report on this analysis to show where our widgets have been.


Embed suggestion

To get the most functionality out of the widgets for your users, we suggest that the minimum width of 360px with 14px font size is used