Customisations available for the Medal Table widget

Customisable elements in the Medal Table widget
Mandatory keys
Keys in bold are required
<div class="pa-medaltable" data-auth-token="<your embed token>" data-games-code="OWG2018" data-font-size="1.25rem"></div>
<script async src="//" charset="UTF-8"></script>
Key | Description | Examples |
data-auth-token | The token used to authorise the embed (note: this is typically only permitted for whitelisted domains) | hs6iCFXsTz8ok3sE |
data-games-code | A valid Olympics games code; used to filter API calls | OWG2018 |
data-font-family | One or more comma-separated font families | Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif |
data-font-size | Main font size; may be any valid CSS size | 42px or 1.5rem |
data-font-colour | Main font colour; may be any valid CSS colour | , #00ff00, #0f0, green |
data-font-weight | Main font weight; may be any valid CSS font weight | 700 or bold |
There are four suites of medal icons for use across both widgets. Within the medal table, your chosen icons will display in the header to denote the medal colours.

Key | Description | Example |
data-medal-icon-type | The set of medal icons to be used in the widget; may be one of default, inverted, round, or blue-ribbon | inverted |
Key | Description | Examples |
data-header-height | Height of the header; may be any valid CSS size | 42px or 1.5rem |
data-header-background | Header background colour; may be a valid CSS colour for a solid background, or two comma-separated CSS colours for a gradient | , #ff0000 or #300,#foo |
data-header-font-colour | Header font colour | , #00ff00, #0f0, green |
data-header-font-family | Header font family | Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif |
data-header-font-size | Header font size | 2em |
data-header-font-weight | eader font weight | 100 |
Key | Description | Examples |
data-row-background | Table row or list item background colour; may be a single valid CSS colour, or two comma-separated CSS colours for alternating odd/even row colours | white, or #000,#333 |
data-row-border-colour | Table row or list item border colour; may be any valid CSS colour | , #00ff00, #0f0, green |
data-row-border-width | Table row or list item border width; may be any valid CSS size | 2px |
Key | Description | Example |
data-footer-font-colour | Footer font colour; may be any valid CSS colour | , #00ff00, #0f0, green |
Set a default country
A default country can be set in the medal table widget which will then be highlighted when the widget is loaded.
Key | Description | Examples |
data-org-code | A valid Olympics country code; will pin the given country's medal row to the top of the table | USA or JPN |
data-row-highlight-background | Background colour of the highlighted row | , #00ff00, #0f0, green |
data-row-highlight-font-colour | Font colour of the highlighted row | , #ffffff, #fff, white |
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Updated over 3 years ago