Event Result
Details for the event result endpoints
The event result resource exposes the result data for a single event. A unit can be identified as having a event result using the links section of a schedule unit object or an event detail.
An example can be seen below
"code": "ALPWGS----------------",
"description": "Ladies' Giant Slalom",
"discipline": {
"code": "ALP",
"description": "Alpine Skiing"
"gender": {
"code": "W",
"description": "Women"
"games": {
"code": "OWG2018",
"description": "Olympic Winter Games PyeongChang 2018"
"result": [
"rank": "1",
"sortOrder": 1,
"diff": "0.00",
"unchecked": false,
"rankEqual": false,
"value": "2:33.28",
"medal": "gold",
"resultType": {
"code": "TIME",
"description": "Time"
"competitor": {
"code": "7708869",
"type": "A",
"organisation": {
"code": "ITA",
"description": "Italy"
"athlete": [
"code": "7708869",
"order": 1,
"givenName": "Carlotta",
"familyName": "MARCORA",
"organisation": {
"code": "ITA",
"description": "Italy"
"gender": {
"code": "F",
"description": "Female"
"meta": {
"dob": "1999-11-21",
"bib": "2"
"item": [
"rank": "2",
"sortOrder": 2,
"diff": "+0.04",
"unchecked": false,
"rankEqual": false,
"value": "1:17.84",
"resultType": {
"code": "TIME",
"description": "Time"
"unit": {
"code": "ALPWGS----------------FNL-000100--",
"description": "Ladies' Giant Slalom Run 1",
"phase": {
"code": "ALPWGS----------------FNL-",
"description": "Ladies' Giant Slalom",
"phaseType": {
"code": 3,
"description": "Competition"
"rank": "2",
"sortOrder": 2,
"diff": "+0.15",
"unchecked": false,
"rankEqual": false,
"value": "1:15.44",
"resultType": {
"code": "TIME",
"description": "Time"
"unit": {
"code": "ALPWGS----------------FNL-000200--",
"description": "Ladies' Giant Slalom Run 2",
"phase": {
"code": "ALPWGS----------------FNL-",
"description": "Ladies' Giant Slalom",
"phaseType": {
"code": 3,
"description": "Competition"
"meta": {
"teamEvent": false
"link": [
"rel": "event",
"href": "http://olympics.api.pressassociation.io/games/OWG2018/event/ALPWGS----------------"
"rel": "self",
"href": "http://olympics.api.pressassociation.io/games/OWG2018/event/ALPWGS----------------/result"
The root object for the Event results is a clone of the Event object.
The table below outlines the possible values exposed in the Event results result array.
Property | Value(s) | Description |
rank | String (Optional) | Rank of the Competitor |
sortOrder | Integer | Used to sort all results |
diff | Examples ('+0:57', '-2:23')(Optional) | Display the time / value ahead or behind the leader. Negative indicates ahead of the leader, positive is behind |
meta.unchecked | Boolean | Indicates that the result needs to be validated |
meta.rankEqual | Boolean | Identifies if a rank has been equalled |
value | String (Optional) | The result value of the competitor |
medal | Medal Type String (Optional) | Indicates type of medal awarded to competitor |
valueType | Value Types Object (Optional) | The type of the value object eg: TIME or POINTS |
item | Event Result Item Array (Optional) | A breakdown of results for units within the event |
meta.teamEvent | true, false | The associated team event type. true dictating this to be a team event. |
link | The referral links to available child resources. |
Updated 8 months ago