Event Result

Details for the event result endpoints

The event result resource exposes the result data for a single event. A unit can be identified as having a event result using the links section of a schedule unit object or an event detail.

An example can be seen below

  "code": "ALPWGS----------------",
  "description": "Ladies' Giant Slalom",
  "discipline": {
    "code": "ALP",
    "description": "Alpine Skiing"
  "gender": {
    "code": "W",
    "description": "Women"
  "games": {
    "code": "OWG2018",
    "description": "Olympic Winter Games PyeongChang 2018"
  "result": [
      "rank": "1",
      "sortOrder": 1,
      "diff": "0.00",
      "unchecked": false,
      "rankEqual": false,
      "value": "2:33.28",
      "medal": "gold",
      "resultType": {
        "code": "TIME",
        "description": "Time"
      "competitor": {
        "code": "7708869",
        "type": "A",
        "organisation": {
          "code": "ITA",
          "description": "Italy"
        "athlete": [
            "code": "7708869",
            "order": 1,
            "givenName": "Carlotta",
            "familyName": "MARCORA",
            "organisation": {
              "code": "ITA",
              "description": "Italy"
            "gender": {
              "code": "F",
              "description": "Female"
            "meta": {
              "dob": "1999-11-21",
              "bib": "2"
      "item": [
          "rank": "2",
          "sortOrder": 2,
          "diff": "+0.04",
          "unchecked": false,
          "rankEqual": false,
          "value": "1:17.84",
          "resultType": {
            "code": "TIME",
            "description": "Time"
          "unit": {
            "code": "ALPWGS----------------FNL-000100--",
            "description": "Ladies' Giant Slalom Run 1",
            "phase": {
              "code": "ALPWGS----------------FNL-",
              "description": "Ladies' Giant Slalom",
              "phaseType": {
                "code": 3,
                "description": "Competition"
          "rank": "2",
          "sortOrder": 2,
          "diff": "+0.15",
          "unchecked": false,
          "rankEqual": false,
          "value": "1:15.44",
          "resultType": {
            "code": "TIME",
            "description": "Time"
          "unit": {
            "code": "ALPWGS----------------FNL-000200--",
            "description": "Ladies' Giant Slalom Run 2",
            "phase": {
              "code": "ALPWGS----------------FNL-",
              "description": "Ladies' Giant Slalom",
              "phaseType": {
                "code": 3,
                "description": "Competition"
  "meta": {
    "teamEvent": false
  "link": [
      "rel": "event",
      "href": "http://olympics.api.pressassociation.io/games/OWG2018/event/ALPWGS----------------"
      "rel": "self",
      "href": "http://olympics.api.pressassociation.io/games/OWG2018/event/ALPWGS----------------/result"

The root object for the Event results is a clone of the Event object.

The table below outlines the possible values exposed in the Event results result array.

rankString (Optional)Rank of the Competitor
sortOrderIntegerUsed to sort all results
diffExamples ('+0:57', '-2:23')(Optional)Display the time / value ahead or behind the leader. Negative indicates ahead of the leader, positive is behind
meta.uncheckedBooleanIndicates that the result needs to be validated
meta.rankEqualBooleanIdentifies if a rank has been equalled
valueString (Optional)The result value of the competitor
medalMedal Type String (Optional)Indicates type of medal awarded to competitor
valueTypeValue Types Object (Optional)The type of the value object eg: TIME or POINTS
itemEvent Result Item Array (Optional)A breakdown of results for units within the event
meta.teamEventtrue, falseThe associated team event type. true dictating this to be a team event.
linkThe referral links to available child resources.